[QUOTE="sonyworker1234"][QUOTE="freedomfreak"]i apologize but i am legally not aloud to tell you even if i knew. you will just have to wait like everyone else sorry But I won't tell anyone. I don't bookface and I don't tweet. sorry im going offline now that psn is up and how could i trust a random stranger
Can I contact you when you know?freedomfreak
sonyworker1234's forum posts
[QUOTE="sonyworker1234"] that info is so confidential that i won't even know until about a month before sorryfreedomfreak
Can I contact you when you know? i apologize but i am legally not aloud to tell you even if i knew. you will just have to wait like everyone else sorry
[QUOTE="sonyworker1234"][QUOTE="freedomfreak"]to go down? i don't know a exact date but we are planning on doing a update around Christmas that will have PSN down for at least 24 hours. What will this update do? that info is so confidential that i won't even know until about a month before sorry
When can we expect PSN to go down again?freedomfreak
[QUOTE="sonyworker1234"]please only questions about psn server being down thank youfreedomfreak
When can we expect PSN to go down again? to go down? i don't know a exact date but we are planning on doing a update around Christmas that will have PSN down for at least 24 hours.
if you want to think that go ahead call our support they will tell you the same thing if not slightly different sonyworker1234this was a response to johnf111
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