sora592 / Member

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The Phoenix Rebellion+nintendo failed+My computer died:)

Hi guys. Just to let u know I wrote this blog on the wii inernet. The Phoenix Rebellion is a new SSBB clan! so far there are 9 members in this clan and im one of them. If you want to join then feel free to ask us! Here is the website Shantrix and starwars2091 made the site. They did a pretty good job. please check it out. now about nintendo's press confrence. Well it sucked. I thought they were going to anounce new games but instead they talk about sales! WTF!! No one cares about sales! We want GAMES!! I only watched like 15 minutes of it cuz my computer was actin retarded and stuff. I cant believe nintendo. Its a good thing i didnt waste my time watchin it. I feel bad for whoever watched the whole thing. They didnt get their emblems! how gay is that? So anyways the only game im lookin foward to now is Animal Crossing. Now about my computer. It died.I dont kno how but it did. so im going to get a new comp on friday. I wanted my comp to die so i can get a new one. it was like 6 years old. ok well thats all i have to say. Oh and if anyone from TPR is readin this ill b bak on the site on friday or saturday.