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Unit reporting!!

wow its been a while since the last post, i have been so busy at the university that i didnt have time to write and even less time to play games :-( but anyway lets talk about the games that i played since the last post... Gears of war: great game! i have tons of fun with it, and it can be really challenging at times (general RAAM!!! yes im talking about you! you FRAKING piece of bantha poodoo!!! this fraker its insanely though) but its a great game. In the story department not so strong but its the game play that make it a great game!! even with mouse + keyboard. i did have a few bugs here and there like my saved games disappearing like 5 times, but it wasnt a big deal i just had to find how to load the levels with the developer console so nothing mayor. like i said before i found my reason to buy a xbox 360. Gears of war 2 ;-) Brothers in arms: hells high way. WOW this game brought me back the love for WW2 games. story wise the game its awesome!! especially if you played the last 2. for me its the best of the series because all the improvements in game play and tactics. the weapons are great and those moments with grenades explosions and head shots are amazing!! they appear frequently but they are awesome!! from the first time they appear to the last one you see you never get tired of those. Tomb Raider: underworld. OK i can honestly say this game was a disappointment. i was never a fan of tomb raider to begin with but the guys at Crystal Dynamics did a great job with legend and anniversary so what happened to this one is just sad. the camera goes horrible too often! and its so often you cant ignore it. but hey i decided to keep playing just to find a bug that wont let me advance... im just stuck on freaking Mexico because a ramp wont open!!! so that's it!! i just cant take it i just cant keep playing that crappy game, maybe if i find a patch or something ill try again but not right now. Resident Evil 4: its a cool game the story looks cool but the pc controls are awful and that mouse patch doesnt work either. i guess i could buy a gamepad or something but im sooooo broke that doesnt sound like an option right now. so ill wait to play it on my brothers wii or something. but now im playing Red Alert 3. YES IS SO AWESOME!!! im not an RTS fan. hell i dont play RTS games, but i love red alert 2. thats the only rts that i enjoy and that i find fun. and this one is looking great i bit more RTS heavy than RA2 but im still gona play it. ill write about it later i think this post is long enough! cya