soshootme77's forum posts
I guess I'm the only one that noticed this game is borrowing heavily from RLH. RLH got horrible reviews, but I still play it because that's how I found out who Breaking Benjamin was when they were still a small time band. RLH wasn't bad, but it needed a lot of help. I'm glad EA found it and completely re-worked it. And for those of you who think EA came up with this all on their own. Think again. RLH is about a mining facility in space. The ship gets attacked by "religious" fanatics (aliens in the end). The aliens in RLH include "cutters" whom look similar to the humanoid creatures with the razor looking appendages. Brutes look like the big old alien bursting through the door in Dead Space (this creature rips issac in half and bites his head off in a video. That's so you know who I am talking about.) I'm definitely not complaining, I'm just saying, they borrowed HEAVILY. I'm ecstatic about the game, pre-ordered, and ready to hit the lights and pump the volume in surround sound ;).
Ok, this is REALLY pissing me off. Has ANYONE in this forum played ANY of the other Brothers In Arms games? You guys are acting like a leg flying off is a new thing. In "Road to hill 30" certain explosions did blow off arms and legs. But that was on the original xbox. With the 360, they can make it so everytime something truly brutal happens (ie. headshot, explosion) they give you a quick cinematic of it, zoomed in of course. The cinematic portion wasn't in the prior games, but the gore was. Obviously it has been touched up a little bit with graphical enhancements, but its not new. Gearbox did it with the other two Brothers In Arms games. As for realism, well that's close to realism, if you want to see what a grenade really does, your sick in the head. I've seen some close friends blown apart by car bombs, and trust me, it's nothing pretty. A grenade won't just blow off your legs, super hot shrapnel will cut right through your body, limbs will fly off, the person will most likely be disemboweled as well. Video game gore is fun, real life gore isn't.
This is no particular order: BIA:HH, Dead Space, Fable 2, Fallout 3, Farcry 2, Gears of War 2, Mirrors Edge, Silent Hill: Homecoming, Endwar. (There are a bunch of other games I want, but these are games that are coming soon ie. couple months.)
Fracture and Left 4 Dead I want to play demo's for first before I make a decision on them. Same with Legendary, but I guess the demo is MIA so I'll wait for reviews. HAWX is a maybe.
As for a list of games I want, whenever they come out: Alan Wake, Bioshock 2, Borderlands, Deus Ex 3, Halo Wars, I Am Alive, Mass Effect 2, Operation Flashpoint 2, Peter Jackson's Halo Project (Halo Chronicles), any Bungie game, debating Red Faction 3, Resident Evil 5, Section 8, Tiberium.
My list, I probably forgot some games, but that's because I forgot to add them to my tracker.
Let the list begin: Alan Wake, BIA:HH, Borderlands, Dead Space, Deus Ex 3, Fable 2, Fallout 3, Farcry 2, Gears 2, Halo Wars, Mass Effect 2, Mirrors Edge, Operation Flashpoint 2, Resident Evil 5, Tiberium, TC Endwar.
Maybe's: Darksiders, Fracture, I Am Alive, Legendary, Red Faction 3, Section 8, Silent Hill V.
October 21st is gonna put a small dent in my wallet: Dead Space, Fable 2, Farcry 2
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