a game i would want is really just a wind waker remake or look alike or of course f-zero... but i really really want is a star fox game man i love that series even if it was a weak remake i would still buy it, or a phantasy star with blue burst man that game jus keeps me entertained a game i play leisurely but still enjoy... any of those would be nice!!!!
megaman....megaman?.... MEGAMAN!? first: megaman=capcom second: megaman can own you three times before you even hit the ground!!! enough with that sorry i'm just a really big megaman fan.... most annoying character for me is yoshi... he's cool in his own way... yes but his voice i can't stand "YOSSSHHHHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIII" dang shove a knife in my ear why don't you? same goes for daisy.... why does everyone dislike birdo???? he/she/it is an awsome boss in "i wanna be the guy" and an awsome boss in a lot of games.... *homophobes*
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