Poxy game!! Just tried again, and now it's telling me that files are corruoted, and go and get another programme so won't let me load again. I wouldn't mind, but I've got two games and both are telling me the same thing. Me and STALKER are destined not to meet in the zone lol
Loading Clear Sky and a message come up on screen saying that it won't download as there is a file corrupted. I've re-tried it a few times, but always the same message. It also give me the option of skipping that file.
Thanks for all the help, but had to have someone come and look at the pc. He had to put in another hard drive, but didn't understand why the other drive wasn't reading it. I'm just loading the game, as I type this message
It makes me laugh when you have a celeb cussing at the press one minute, and then sucking up to them the next to either promote their new album or film.
It looks damned goog. But I've just read that EA are launching Dead space for the Xbox 360 & PS3 editions about 6/7 days earlier than the PC game :evil:
Come on EU, give us PC gamers a fair go at the whip!!
Why would they release console versions earlier, I honestly don't see the reasoning behind this.
That's not all. Some EA community manager is saying that Dead Space won't be allowed into Germany, Japan or China. Not sure why though.
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