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My First Real Live experience

Yesterday I had my first X-Box Live experience, and it was pretty damn cool. Let me start by saying I basically avoid Live because of the abusive players.

At any rate, I played Fable 2 yesterday with a friend, and it was a blast. My only complaint was it was hard to hear Andy through the headset. I don't know if that was me getting old, the Live system, or the fact he's half-way across the world. The whole experience was like when I was a kid playing in the same room with other human beings. Unfortunately at my age, not many people I know play games still. The ones who do are too far away or busy with their own lives. My wife will play once in a while, but only games she can play as a girl, and there's a co-op mode. Though it's hard to get her to do. Though she did play with me on my birthday, and I think that was the best gift I could've gotten....

Anyway, back on track... Live does cost $50, but if you can find somebody to play with who isn't a complete ass-hat, it's well worth it.