I'm sure most of you have read about the possible new Clancy series , and it's quite mysterious. For lack of better things to do, I looked at the UbiSoft site and here is my list of possible storyline theories:
- The main character has been captured, and his mind probed. This is explained in a couple of the sound bytes and text on right. I'm guessing that he was captured near Cincinatti, OH. There is reference to "RTS I71 and I75,"those interstates intersect around there.
- There is a war raging between the EU and US. I'm guessing the water supply is contaminated by biological pathogens. This is based on the "Water Futures" trade in news and pathogen testing, which the character tested negative for. Water is also being rationed. The character recieved an award for the Atlanta Defensive, perhaps that's where the first strike was... This also makes sense as the western front is in the gulf on the east coast, DC is decimated, but Boston seems alright enough to regroup governmental function.
- The main characters service record is interesting. He's a pisces, born Feb. 22, 1991, he looks to be early 30's, so GameSpot's guess of 2020's is probably accurate.. He enlisted at 18, basic training in Fort Benning, GA. He's an Army Ranger with his paratrooper wings, 22 combat jumps. More interesting is his MOS is Counterintelligence Agent, secondary MOS is Avionic Comm. Equipment Repair. I'm going to guess that there will be some wiretapping and listening involved in the game. Though being a Ranger, I'm guessing there will mostl likely be squad elements in the gameplay.
- I'm not sure what good this is, but it seems he recieved his last rites, in what to me sounds like Spanish. Perhaps he was in Spain, or Mexico.
- The main character's health is not good. He is either becoming or is paranoid. He has a severely injured right arm, with major loss of function. Maybe he'll have a bionic arm? He also has a family.
Let me know what you think in the coments, and when more info is available, we'll see how close or how far off I am in my detective work. If I do good, maybe I'll get myself a cape and cowl:P