It's been a little while, so I figured I'd tap out a quick update. It seems I do these on a bi-weekly basis, so it's about that time... First, I've been doing quite a bit mor photography with the wife now that I bought her a new camera. That means I get the old one, but that's cool, I think it's better anyhow:P If you really want, my Flickr is here.
Second, I got Pokemon Pearl, and as soon as I get my friend code, I'll put it up. I've been trying to install Ubuntu on the desktop, but it doesn't seem to want to work. I think I'm better off waiting for the disk I ordered to come in, it takes a long time to download, even with bit-torrent.
Finally, I'm relatively upset today. My wife went to go to work and noticed someone was in our car last night. They only took my phone and sack, which only had a gym shoes and a cheap MP3 player. Apparently the other door on our garage wasn't closed all the way, that's how they got in. We live in an apartment, so we don't have our own garage, and we don't have a garage mate, so it's probably been unsecured for the last five months. What's really funny is they left my tools and satellite radio. The radio was on the toolbox, so they may not have realized what it was... On the bright side, they didn't screw up my car. The last time some bugger broke into my car, they screwed up the column, smashed the console, and stole my radio. I'd really like to know if I'm a statistical anomoly or not, this is the fifth time I've had my car broken into. That's about once every two years... That could make an interesting study... Oh well, until next time...