Time that is. I'm sure maybe someone out there noticed I haven't been too terribly active at all this past month, but time's been fleeting. I've been doing a lot of work to earn funds for my Alaskan adventure. I've also put in a bit of time in Pokemon Pearl, that game is too addictive for it's own good. I'm thinking I ought to do a review or so on it, I've certainly put enough hours into it. The last three weeks I've been doing work for my dad, hard heavy type work. Fat people aren't made to do construction, that's for sure:P The first week we did some digging and concrete work in the back yard. The path back there has been in bad shape since we moved in there 23 years ago. Now it looks a little better. The last couple of weeks we were working on the front porch, at least I've got some photos of that. We're still not done, but it's getting there. We tore down the old one and put in an enclosed porch. As neither my father nor I are or have ever claimed to be carpenters, I'd say we did a bang up job. Then again, we still have time to screw up:wink:
In other news, I'm sure many of you who might actually read this already know, but Travis (HOUTX1836) is hurting in a real bad way. I don't know any of the specifics, but I do know Trav is a great guy and can use some help. Keep him and his family in your thoughts and prayers (if you pray to a deity). I put a "get well soon" type of sentiment in my signature, and if you so like, you can use it as well. I'm not too great with the computer stuff, so it does need resized to about 435x183. Resize however you like, and maybe link to his blog.
I'll try to not end on a bad note, so I'll put some nice pictures from the last month I have taken here.