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Why hello there my good sir.

Being a man of refined taste, I began my gaming endeavors with the highest of expectations and would you not belie--ack! *one sided scuffle* Alright sorry about that I don't where that tool came from but I'm going to tell you about all my gaming experiences, all the things and use that term for legal reasons that I may or may not do, and I'm gonna tell it to you in a fashion I deem appropriate at that point in time. You like that I figured you would. What will I be talking about? Pure insanity, that's probably the majority of all my post, ok well not just insanity but if it doesn't have insanity I probably got censored or something. Or that tool from the first few lines is typing god I hate that guy. My poison FPS and RPGs are usually my choice for gaming intoxication, but I don't mind kicking ass where it presents itself. From fighters to puzzles if it's competitive I'm there. Where I am Really I'm a complete headcase you can find me nearly everywhere. Not kidding and at anytime I was born with internet in the series of tubez I call veins. If you saw me in the street I would most likely have a Crackberry in my hand or notebook and pencil or DS while I talk about computers game or design. So yeah you'd find me DAMION WELLER on facebook and Soulbishop literally every where else, Google it. Yeah thats me Soulbishop all of those entries probably. You will also find all my post at I moonlight over there as talent. So I'm glad to be here and glad to hear whatever you want to say.