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My aime of the week (Disgeae)

Starting today I will be Reviewing and tell in you once a week about a Aime favorite or not so favorite of mine. My plan is to have you Aime veterans find new exiting material and for the beginners fun episodes to get you started on the track.I have a rating system by stars and level of Aime. the star system well tell you the rating from must see to never came out on DVD. The next system is the level system from one to ten ti will tell you if you should watch this Aime or not like someone who has never seen an Aime in their life should start out with a one or two veterans a 6 or 7 and thoughts of you worthy of it 10 be prepared to not under stand it.

My first Aime is Disgeae a hard to find in stores so I found it on line. This is the Aime series made after the first Disgeae game in 2003. It's main story line is that of the game but also is a little bit different in setting. The netherworld is in chaos after the lord of the real dies. Two years later the son of this lord and predecessor to the throne(Laharal) awakens to discover that he had been asleep for two years and sets out back to the castle to reclaim his throne. Accompanying him is his Vasili Etna (Demon) how is as maniacal as a daemon gets and next I Flonne an angle in training sent to assassinate the lord of the netherworld king krajeskoy only to fined his is already dead and accidental stubble's apron the grave or Laural and the story picks up from there. That is all I can relay say I'm only on episode 7 of 12 but it is funny as can be the jocks just don't stop. I have one little thing to say though it's only in Japanese so I hope you can read subtitles and don;t worry it's worth it relay. To warn you it take three episodes to relay get sucked in and the story to start going but aime lovers and fans of the game will love it and see simulates to the original and psp game. If you whant to see part of the first episode got to the url at the bottem of the list.

4/6 Four star is great but not perfect I relay like a must see

Level: 04 I give it a four because it's in Japanese and is not well known the game though dose help so its a good aime for veterans and people that have dived into aime before:D

(But not beginners) :(
