I'm getting tiered of sequels that don't need sequels, for example we don't need a new left for dead just DLC and I'm OK with paying ten dollars for a Add on but I don't want to pay sixty dollars for a game that is just a amped up version of the first on. The prices are also getting to me for all you older people out there remember when it was 40- 50 dollars to buy a new game at gamestop? Well I'm getting tiered and that is probably why people pirate and download games for free because the price is outrageous especially if a sequel is only a year away from the release. An the quality is starting to get lax if you haven't noticed that the quantity of games have gone up but the quality has gone down in my opinion I'm starting to lose faith in the gaming industry but also with the money in my pocket. I think it's time for the game community to take a long look at it's self and make some adjustments.
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