Many people in the world would say that the PS3 was being crushed under the foot of the WII and the 306, but I said no like so many die hard fans out there for Sony. The PS3 just needed momentum and time to create great and powerful games to be distributed exclusively. sure i the bbeginning there were some hard times with the lack of entertainment and section of PS3 exclusives but I never gave up hope. after two years of waiting sony is back with a large line up of powerful games. Infamous right now is the well known one which size and graphics can only be ran smoothly with the PS3's blue-ray. The next is Kill zone 2 the graphics on this game alone would kill the wii and make an 360 struggle on full resolution it's also a fun and challenging shooter. I put in the new ff because it was firts announced for the PS3 and frankly I think it should stay but well you know it's story and game-play will leave us all breathless and graphic in ahhh. Finlay on my list is God of war 3 there is nothing to really say because it's going to be so great that trying to summarise it will only put it down. Now there are a lot more that I could explain but why not look for your self and for you 360 owners I'm not making fun of the 360 I'm just a huge Sony fan. Though you wii owners out there why why do you bother with that system? Now all you PS3 owners be proud to say you own one because it's a proud time for sony and your PS3.
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