Ok so today i received a messagem, thinking it was from someone here i opened my message list and SURPRISE! I received a Gamespot term of use violation warning wich doesn't makes sense.:(
So to put it simple since the unveil of the 3DS a lot of kids in the PSP forums keep arguing and worrying about how many units Sony is selling and what they need to do to sell more. I'm not gonna tell the nickname of the person here but there's this guy who has posted a bunch of time that Sony need to drop the price of the PSP, that they are going to be in trouble, that they should sell it for at least $150. When he's not telling this crap i have found him speculating when Soy will unveil a PSP2 or asking for one.
The guy got on my nerves and is told him this:
Yeah they keep realising more expensive versions because in the case of the PSP they have been upgrading it. New screens with better colors and contrast, Integrated Mic, Slimer design and so on. As for the prce you sound so childish as if Sony were your corporation. They don't have to lower the price because you say so. What's the nonsence of all of you getting worry about a product sale and the price. If you (I'm refering to everyone posting the same thing) don't have one save some money and buy it but please stop this ridiculous worrys. The PS1 was the same price as the N64 and in the end the N64 sold less and was superior. If you have a PSP and don't like it anymore trow it in the garbage can or give it to someone elses. If you use the mind a lower price will not change in reality the cost. Let say the lower the price to $130 you will till have to get a Memory Stick wich cost $38 for one of 4GB on amazon and let say you get the upcoming Kingdom Hearths or the available now Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker wich cost $40, the total cost will be $208. THATS MORE THAN GETTING THE UPCOMING KINGDOM HEARTS BUNDLE AND YOU STILL NOT GET THE FREE MOVIE.
Then an ignorant got mad and told me: Hey a for 4GB Memory Stick cost15 to 20 dollarson Ebay. The 3DS is a next gen handheld and next gen alway triumph Current gen.:? It's clearly the dude is not realising that most peple when buy the system at lets say GameStop the buy the accessories they need at the same moment.
So what do you guys think about this? Should i got a moderation warning for this?