Laptop Problem:
Hello everyone ! At last i am back! After downloading a disc cleaner program trial from It was supposed to clean the discdrive and Internet data and at the same time make the PC keep running fast with improved performance but it may have been the cause of my problem. The trial ended and i proceeded to uninstall the program only to find that after doing so my Laptop began to take forever to shutdown.
I contacted the Sony customer service since using a special program that came with my Vaio. Great service indeed, they told me a number of things to do that i did before and none of them worked. So they recommended me to scan the Laptop for viruses, couldn't activate mines and the online access stoped working in my even with online connection available.:cry:
Well that really sucks but i had no other option but to format my discdrive and reinstall the whole windows 7 from scratch.:cry: At least i didn't lost the small amount of wallpapers and icons i had.:) The worst part, i used a process to formatted the drive that took like 4 hours plus after that i had to wait some more for the re installation of Windows 7. Wile reinstalling i received an error message that for a second scared me but after reading it was wile reinstalling google chorme. Not a big deal and just downloaded it online.
Gaming update:
Its been almost 3 weeks or a month since i have touched a Console. That's right i haven't used my PS3 and Wii for a wile. The only thing i have touched is my DSLite to try to finish Mario and Luigie Bowsers Inside Story and played a bit of Pokemon Soul Silver to try to finish it too. I received Mario and Luigie Bowsers Inside Story as a present last Christmas and its already time for it to be finished.:shock: Maybe i will play a PS3 or Wii game soon but as of right now I've been taking a break.:D