I'm retuning to a life filled with fights, and i am talking about a lot of them. My copy of SSFIV have arrived from amazon and it was worth getting it, only costed me $25.99 and i received the a ingame costume pack free. This game have a lot of new content that simply wasn't possible as DLC. The game offers much more than 10 brand new characters like many people thing, it have brand new menus, art, scenes, music, offline and online modes and brand new stages ( Five). Adon and Juri are becoming two of my favorite characters in the game.
Of course i will be using my weapon of choice in the upcoming fights; my SFIV Tornament Edition Fight Stick. I have taken it out of thesleeping coffin and i amhaving a blast againg using it. I'm so use to play fighting games with Fight Sticks that if i get back to normal controllers i will need to start practicing. For me this is the best way to play fighting games, without one you won't be getting the real experience. See ya later! a fighter is challenging me.