Oh mine! this have been one of my worst days. Like a week ago one of my cousins told my mom about an employment company i should visit and told her she was hired right away for a work by visiting them. I'm having a really terrible time here in Puerto Rico trying to find a job even with a College tittle, there's nowhere with a work for me, the only thing i find are McDonald's and grocery's stores jobs. I don't want to even try working at McDonald's and i hate being in a grocery with the work of packing people's grocery's.:cry: I called there office and took an appointment waiting the best.
I went there and lend them my documents and received a bunch of papers to fill. After that i was called, i went inside the office waiting for the best.:D To my surprise they only told me we are sorry we don't have a job available for you right now, we have only one describe in the paper at the entrance, wait outside and thank you for coming.:x. If didn't qualify for it. At the end of that i took an exam with shocking Math exercises like the following example:
6788 x 457+ 573/ 23 x 76
later thethe same day and had an argument.:(