WTF! At first I didn't like the news about 12 Street Fighter X Tekken characters but after thinking and getting the game I'm no longer that angry about it. I mean, What the heck for $59.99 you already have around 42 characters to choose from. I still haven't used 10 of them and i guess the majority of gamers end not using every single character. As for the we need to wait for the game of the year edition attitude, well that's not the case with every single game. Capcom said multiple times that there wont be another version of Street Fighter x Tekken.
Wow you can see a lot of Apple fans talking nonsense each time they read something about the PSVita or 3DS. What makes me laugh is that these very people doesn't complain and are happy with a $500 dollars bigger I-Phone (IPad) with just 8gb of memory. Now that's greedy but since IPad fans buy everything Apple just to say they have it and it is costly, Apple will never care. Go and check the prices of an Ipad. Do you think you can store a lot of games like Uncharted Golden Abyss (3.2gb) inside it?
To those uneducated gamers, game prices are $29.99 to $49.99. The only $49.99 game is Uncharted Golden Abyss. Instead of a price drop it is better to get at least a 8gb memory with each Wi-Fi model inside each PSVita. Aside from that, you can still see that Memory Stick Pro Duo cost almost the same for less space if you get then at gamestop.
@grim0187 The 3DS doesn't have a very cheap price like Nintendo is making us believe. \$169.99 for the system plus \$39.99, that's \$209.99 for a system without multitouch OLED screen, almost HD resolution, back touch pannel, two analog sticks, far better online store and a real online multiplayer system. As for backward comparability, the PSvita is far superior. Even if you need to buy the PSP games and can't use those UMD the games look way better. The colors, the brightness everything better. On the other hand DS games on the 3DS doesn't look any better, they colors look inferior not like they were intended to look and if you think a game is blurry you can shrink the image to a Gameboy Micro size but it still do nothing noticeable. On top of that the price of the games are the same with the exception of Uncharted: Golden Abyss. The only downside of the PSVita is the price, those memory card cost a lot and Sony should have given one with each system.
Some people here doesn't realize that the fact is that the DS Lite wasn't a big upgrade, the only thing Nintendo added was a litter and cool look with brighter screens. The DSi features bigger and brighter screens, upgradeable menu, down loadable content, SD Card support, better and louder speakers, the abilitie to go to the menu and change a game card without turning the system off and you can change the brightness of the screens wile playing, Two Cameras that aren't mega pixel because this is not intended for taking photos and printing them at photo printing stores they are intended to be use for gameplay, Voice and sound recorder, improvements in PictoChat, and the system features a matte finish with new buttons that click when they are press like the GBA SP, Internet Browser and some have forgot that it have more horse power than the DS Lite for something. Now thats a lot of additional things added. weather people upgrade their Lites or not is a matter of personal decision. In my opinion if you want to upgrade just sell the Lite, if not stay with it.
soulreaper-4's comments