Who the hell is going to like this:
soulreaper-4's forum posts
Yep people especially kids almost new to the videogame world think that because a game is 2d or for a portable like the DS they cost just like $50 to $100 dollars to be made. They forget that quality ones like Dragon Quest IX, The Pokemon series and so on still requires hundreds of people to work including: designers, artists sound composers an more. For me if you're getting a game like Mario and Luigie: Bowser's Inside Story, Pokemon or Dragon Quest IX it is worth $29.99.go tell that to the people who spend millions to make the darn thing
You shouldnt even look at it or even buy it its the worst RPG this gen.johny300I'm on the same boat as you. I bought the game the first week of availability and i stop playing it near the end. The gameplay was so boring that i even forgot haven't finished it and continue playing other games, even some of the fonts are so small that may bother you if you don't have a very big TV. For me this game is the biggest disappointment in RPG and gaming history. One word to describe the game is BORING.
I don't know both the DS and Wii launched in North America before they launched in Japan so the 3DS should be similar. I know the DSi and DSiXL released in April and March respectively but those were just new SKUs for the DS. You're right they launched before japan. I think it's possible it became available before next year.[QUOTE="munchlax99"]
in japan, but i dont live there. so yea :P
The ps3 is great but it kinda reminds me of the N64 a little bit. Way to powerful of a system then everyone else and its hard to make games for the system. I think the playstation 3 put way to much into there system they are way past this gen with the blue ray player. The ps3 price is still to high for me if they didnt put blueray in and make it so damn powerful the price would be cheaper for a ps3. That and everyone got it because of final fantasy at least most people did and its on xbox360 also and MGS which is also on xbox360 now.
Well that depends on were you live. They could take out the Blueray lens out but that won't make it drastically cheaper. I'd had one of the early models without bc and now that i have a Slim i can tell you my friend that the have lowered the quality of the think. From using cheap plastic that sometimes make them do sounds after been use and turn off to the removal of the touch on and off, power switch, two usb, sd card slots and PS2 BC. Heck even the newer Dualshok 3 controllers plastic fells cheaper than the first ones with buttons that doesn't make the click sound the others made.
For me $300 hundred is a steal considering the quality games, what it does and what old gen consoles were capable of . A PS1 cost $300 back in the day and it didn't do anything more than just play games. There are way more things that cost a lot more because they are overpriced like many MP3s, cell phones and so on. There are $150 dollars shoes and everyone still buy them without complaining even $50 Tshirts.
FF and Metal Gear has never been Sony exclusive my friend. The first Metal Gear was for the NES and Metal Gear games have been available for the PC, Gameboy Color, Playstation, original Xbox and even for the Game Cube and there's a possible game for the Nintendo 3DS.
You dont think sales would increase by alot if they dropped the price down to $199.wooooode
Yes they can increase sales but that's not the most important think in the videogame business. I see it this way: as time passes technology goes down in price like the graphics and cpu chipsets but in order to drop the price of a console like the PS3 drastically to $99.99 a lot of different components from the inside and out would need to be changed with lower quality ones. I'd had one of the early PS3 models and now that i have PS3 slim i can clearly see that Sony is using cheaper materials like:
1. Cheap plastic for these new models of consoles and controllers.
2. The buttons of the dualshock that now comes with them feels cheaper and doesn't have the clicky fell of the older ones.'
3. They removed the touch on and off and the power switch on the back of the unit.
4. They removed the SD card slots and BC with PS2.
5. If you look online you will find that the early PS3 Slims and some of the later have one brand of cooling fan that suppressed the sound while the ones that have the other brand have a louder pitch noise because the fan doesn't suppressed the sound it emits. Some are DELTA and some are NIDEK.
Companies like Sony get the most money when publishers pay them to be able to create and launh games and all the games, accessories and dlc people buy. And with all the money Sony has invested and losed in the creation of the PS3 how should people like this guy tell it needs to be priced lower than $199.99.
So if you don't like it anymore why don't you just sell it or give it to someone else?Been having the same PSP for almost 5 years. It's still in good condition and I'd like a freaking new PSP now. I hope they make PSP2 next year.
You buy a PS3 for PS3 games. I don't understand the cheapiness of people sometimes. The wanted a lower priced PS3 so they got it. But then here we are now they want the chepest price possible but they want high quality plastic like the old models, all the sd card slots. all the four usb slots, touch pannel for on and off, power switch and BC. THE LESS YOU PAY THE LESS YOU GET.
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