yeah they were good. thats prob one of the reasons why movies like donnie darko and american psycho are still good to watch is cuz of the good music they had in them
i just got fifa 08 a few days ago and by far its the best fifa game that has come out. i've played pes a few times but i think once you get used to one or the other its hard to make the switch cuz pes just doesn't cut it for me and the gameplay just doesn't match up
yeah it really shouldn't bother any fan of the game to see people hating on it cuz you're still gonna have another 1million+ onine to play with that do like it
yeah if toys r us sells halo3 early like they did bioshock you can't get in trouble for buying it if they have it out for sale but i wouldnt expect any place being dumb enough to release halo3 before the official release date
its not like halo3 is gonna be a grand theft auto or manhunt style game. I'm pretty sure he'll be alright if you get it for him. 11 years old is like being a teenager nowadays so he'll be alright im sure he's already seen porn on your computer anyways
proevo will never have as many leagues as fifa because of the licensing issues but proevo sucks anyways. I'm sure once fifa08 comes out it will be better than the demo which I enjoyed playing
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