@Faye_Tallity: I do own both and I actually own more games on my PS4 than my Xbone. But that's mainly because of the free PS Plus games. How is it hard to believe that I own both? They really aren't that expensive, especially compared to other hobbies out there.
@givenchy7: Woah wall of text. Not even going to spend the time to read through all of that. But yes it is pointless for anyone to really buy an Xbox One between now and when the Xbox Scorpio comes out unless they want the 4K support with the Xbox One S. I totally agree with that.
The PlayStation division of Sony is basically their bread and butter right now, one of the few areas where Sony is still making good money.
"Can I play Uncharted 4, BB, MLB the show on xbox? No.
What game would entice me to buy an xbox? Halo (no). Gears of war (no)."
Nope, you can't play Uncharted etc on a Xbox One just like you can't play Halo on a PS4. Which exclusives you like are personal preference. Besides State of Decay and Forza, I don't like either consoles' exclusives. However Sea of Thieves looks pretty interesting. I play multi-platform games 95% of the time.
@givenchy7: I do own both. I even went out on PS4 launch night hunting one down. No Fanboy here.
What consoles do you own? Let me guess, PS4 and not an Xbox One? How dare I criticize your financial investment!
"Catching up to what ? SONY leads by million! what's your definition of catching up ? the fact that you feel good about XBXO again because it has a new smaller look!?"
Millions worldwide yes, but in the USA the gap is closing. Microsoft's main demographic focus is the USA and a bit of the UK. The USA numbers is all I care about because I only play on US servers. I could care less if the PS4 is more popular in France.
"obliterate the PS4 Neo." How? the Console is a year away..and everything about it, as of today, is vapors,rumors and what Microsoft says. And based on what's on paper you determine that yes..100% SONY Neo is gonna get destroyed? You better hope instead that Scorpio isn't as big as a microwave..it takes many many years to develop a console ...and they gave us the VCR size XBOX ONE... and now they already announced a brand new console with hyped up specs? this soon? Don't count you chickens before the hatch my friend"
Current reports (that have been right in the past) say that the PS4 Neo will be 4.5 teraflops. The Scorpio will be 6 teraflops. Enough said there. Microsoft has more money while Sony is on the brink of bankruptcy and Microsoft can afford to take a profit hit to get market share. Sony cannot. Microsoft made the mistake of having the original Xbox One be slightly less powerful, and they will NEVER let that happen again. They have the money to make sure it never happens again. Any rumor of a more powerful PlayStation system, and Microsoft will go into react mode and counter with something more powerful for the same price.
You Really think in your mind that SONY can't counter with a "NEW" console also next year? Noticed that I have new in quotations. Because you fail to understand that PS4 neo is NOT a new console!!!!!!! it's an upgraded PS4!
That won't happen. Sony will not release a completely different more powerful console within just 12 months of the Neo releasing. Maybe they can throw out a 6 teraflop PS4 in 2018, that is possible.
The interface and the amount of time it takes to make updates by Sony is their weakest link. They have two different design teams who work on the interface. One team in the USA working on the PS Store area, and another team in Japan who works on the main part of the interface. This causes design inconsistencies and bad communication. And of course any change requires an act of god to get rolled out.
Most of what they are adding was on the Xbox One from day one. Also having to still "sync" your trophies and not having trophy progress in 2016 is a joke. Being able to track your progress on a trophy is an amazing feature that the Xbox One has had forever. Not to mention all of the other stats the Xbox One tracks (Time Played, Achievement Leaderboards, Monthly Exclusive Achievements etc).
I own both systems, but the quality of the Xbox One's hardware, features, and interface trumps the PS4's slightly better GPU power. I personally think Sony got really lucky how Microsoft screwed up the E3 announcement of the Xbox One and how they structured the Xbox One's hardware power. If those things never happened, the Xbox One would be the one in the "sales lead".
However in the US, the Xbox One is catching up. When the Scorpio is released, it's going to obliterate the PS4 Neo.
SoupyFlow's comments