@Gravity_Slave And there you go again, who cares if you've been playing games longer than we've been alive, your intolerance of other peoples likeness for Pokemon and such is just silly.
@Gravity_Slave @southdemon Well I apologize to you then, I'm also not trying to force you to like Japanese games, just not to tell other they can't either. Hardly fair.
@Gravity_Slave @petez34 Because it's all too easy to guess peoples age over the internet, despite that being practically impossible unless they give it to you straight or facebook etc etc.
@Gravity_Slave @SirNormanislost He isn't bashing other gamers, is he? Plus you're banging your own opinions over the heads of other games simply because you don't like Pokemon and Monster Hunter. They're not bad games, people will always like them, learn to deal with it.
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