Desperation. It's time that Ubisoft starts making great games, again. What happened to Splinter Cell? Blacklist was sick. Prince of Persia? Where's that? Rayman, BG&E?
We don't want games with forced SJW bulls***. We want to kick terrorist butt and save the kingdom.
Eddie!! You need to grille this son-of-a-gun and find out why they cancelled our game! Xbone users have been waiting for Scalebound for long time, and some people like my friend Sara ONLY bought Xbone to play Scalebound and JRPGs.
Get to the bottom of this, we're counting on you brudda!
Chris. This is BS. Get us facts with quotes from Kamiya and Spencer. 8 years of Journalism School, and this all the digging around you could come up with? Tweets and a Press Release?
Billy in the original was the flabbiest and weakest of Dutch's entire squad, yet he's way more man than any of these reboot cast members. Is nothing sacred? STOP DESTROYING OUR CHILDHOODS!
southsouthsac's comments