Chrono Trigger.
Final Fantasy 3 (6 in japan)
Uniracers is quite an unknown game so its cheap and fun if you have another person to play it with
Super Metroid
Legend of Zelda a Link to the Past
Chrono Trigger.
Final Fantasy 3 (6 in japan)
Uniracers is quite an unknown game so its cheap and fun if you have another person to play it with
Super Metroid
Legend of Zelda a Link to the Past
I own all the Nintendo home consoles, a game and watch, all the handheld systems (only originals ie big grey gameboy, first gba, and phat ds) and all the classic/rare games like chrono trigger on the snes. It's not something I did to collect, I just realised how much Nintendo crap I had in my house one day.
I'm not really that into collecting though, I have a lot of games but simply will not pay $100 or more for a copy of Earthbound on ebay no matter how awesome the game is. It's just the stuff I grew up with and my brother doesn't want anymore.
I also have a 360 >< not much of a sony fan
Either for the PS1 or the SNES, emulate it if you have to or buy it on ebay, this game meets all your requirements and its my fav RPG game of all time, seriously even though it's old, you must play it it will drag you into keep playing till you clock it.
Mario's time machine on the SNES.
it was a history game in disquise! that's right, HISTORY!
At least I learn't about Newton's laws at the age of 4.... not really never got that far
I dont like inverted, why did they make itmosa922
Inverted makes no sense...whyyyyyy was it made exactly? Boggles the mind. RadioGooGoo
I believe it is because I grew up in the age of Goldeneye for the N64, which I'm pretty sure came out before Halo, then to my guess Halo came out and f*** everything up by putting non-inverted as default. Now a lot of fps games are doing non-invert as default, it just depends which game or which gaming era you started playing fps games in. When I play my friends they almost all use non-inverted, but then when I play my older brother and his friends we all use inverted, kind of backing up my inference.
IMO I think that inverted makes more sense, I mean just imagine your controlling the person with the joystick, if you pull it back, your making the joystick look up (it faces forward when in the middle) and if you push it down, it looks down. Also the controls of airplanes do this, because it makes sense.
Anyway I think it would be a lot less of a hassle if controller designers started making the switch of invert/non-invert on the controller so there will be less arguments.
Well I was born in 1990, in 1992 I was living in Korea (nah im not Korean, I know wtf) and my dad had a NES Clone, my first real gaming experience was Pac-Man and Bomberman for the NES at age 2 till I was 4 when I moved to China and my dad brought a Super Nintendo back from the states, my favourite system by far. This was 94, and I know I was getting consoles way after their release date, but it's all I had and I knew of nothing else at the time and I loved it.
I had classic SNES games like mario world, mario kart and mario all star. This was my childhood growing up, bunch of Americans living in China in a small American community we had nothing but video games and school, and SNES was the thing, I had a gameboy (original brick) and a Sega gamegear but I preferred the gameboy because of the games.
Anyway around "97 a new kid moved into the community, and he had a... N64 - HOLY $HI+! 3D graphics!!! So by 98 I had one of them, moved to New Zealand, got a gamecube not long after its release because by now my brother and I were real into Nintendo after memorable games like Mario 64, Zelda OOT, Mario party/Tennis/Kart etc. then the wii was released and you know what? My brother and I bought an Xbox 360, I'm getting a Wii this Christmas :D
All my friends here in NZ all grew up with PS1, they all omg at my Nintendo shelf which I have kept all my consoles in great condition. Nintendo FTW
Sorry for the lifestory but yayzorz thats my life. And dunno what happened to text seems to be bold and whatnot
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