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GDC 2005: The Legend of Zelda

Saturo Iwata showed the onlookers a new piece of Zelda concept at showing Link in a pose with his sword and shield out, that was good. But what was awsome is that there was yet another Zelda trailer! This one opened with the closing shot of the first trailer. Then it openwd with a shot of Link swimming and diving in beatifully realised water ( no surprise because Nintendo's develepment team was always very good when ot came to water effects...... ) then there is a shot of a sunny forest, then Link shows his ( for some reason ) more affectionate side by picking up and petting a cat and running back. No doubt there will be may side-quests. Everything then goes from war and peacefull to dark and eerie, Link walks by and a statue comes to life and come after him ( Kinda like in Wind Waker ). Afterwards Link pulls of his now very famous move, ( I call it the jump-slash cause that is basically what it is) on an unsuspecting monster, the camera shoots to a shot of ink shooting a Keese with his bow and arrow in a forest. We're back to the horseback sword fighting sequences we loved in the firsr trailer as link smaks an archer of his boar, then Link performes anothr jump-slash on some sort of skeletal dog and it falls dead, starngely enough, the camera shoots to a fight betwwen a Goron ( how i've missed them!!!) and Link gets knocked to the floor, the skeletal dogs that Link killed rise back tio life once more ready for round two with Link, after that there is a shot of our green dude taking on two over sized lizard like creatures as he blocks the furious strikes form the two scaley devils. Then everything goes really weird, we see some strange "Raffiki" like creature mooning Link with his red butt and then throws a boomberang at him. Could this baboon be a knew enemy? Moving on, we see what look like a job for the lense of truth when what seems to be nothing but a empty sewer turns out to be a ghost infsested hell-hole (looks like the dead men of dunharrow for ROTK to me), things don't look so good for link as a spider jumps on him, luckily enough Link just spin attacks the beast, the he perfomes a sumping stab finidhing move that was used in Soul Calibur 2. There is another shot where Link is chased on horse back by some oversized wing creatures, Link shoots and kills one of them as he rides up to what looks like Hyrule Castle in the distance. Then we see a hint of shelobs lair when we see a cross between shelob and gohma chase Link down a dark,muddy corridor, we see old enemies return in the form of stalfos ( those skeleton men from most zelda's ). The camera pans back to Link riding one of the enemies boars and charging down terrified enemies to he ground. In the last couple of shot, Link fights a starnge shadow monster in the forset and defeats him, the closing shot is of a wolf on top of a cliff howling at full moon an the womderful orchistrated music drwas to an eerie close....

My guess is that the main theme for this new zelda is animals, in a recent rumour, someone said that the new game was going to be called The Ride For Melancholy. It is said that journies will be so oong that Link was to set up a camp during journies and that he will have the ability to transform into animals. Of coure whether or not the rumours are true or not are unkown. But one thing remains the joyfully obvious, this new zelda looks great, sounds great and basically is great.

The Legend of Zelda - E3 2004 - Teaser Trailer

It's silent, the screen i opened, there is an image, a beatifully visualised field with a running stream, I begin to wonder, could it be?? My thoughts are given form, a figure rides out, and yes it's true! It's Link, he draws his sword, we see him fight on horse back, defending himself agains bokoblins on strange boar, we see him fight on foot slashing, stabbing and obliterating anyone ins his path. I hear brilliantly orchistrated music, and them there are the captions.

Blades will bleed.......

Shields will shatter.......

But as the light fades......

Will the hero rise agian?

Well the Hero has already risen again, he's back. He's adult. He's Link and this may be the game to beat ( dare I say it ) The Ocarina of Time!!!!

The graphics blew me away. It reminded me about just how much pure power the lil' cube actually has by means of power. I mean the amount of pollies that must of been sustained! The music is orchistarted and that is a first for zelda, whick is good and it seems that the powerful score will definataly be a good contribution to the new zelda. There seems to be the famus day'night system first introduced in the Ocarina of time and that is certainly a welcome fature. One of my favorite addtions is the abilty to fight with a sword on horseback. Of course whether Link rides on Epona or another horse is totally unkown, I can only guess. The world in which you play in ( probably Hyrule ) seems to be big enough, which again, just shows how much praphical mucsle th Gamecube has. I want Nintendomto take it's time on this, good things come to those who wait and the longer Nintendo spends on this game the better, because when it does come out, I am pretty sure that this new Zelda is going to kick alot of the old heiny.

GDC 2005: Iwata speech

When Satoru Iwata stepped up on stage and delivered his transcript. I was satisfyed. Not only did he say hat DS would be going Wi-fi later this year, but he also said that the revolution would be backwards compatible and wi-fi compatible!

That ladies and gentlemen is good news.

Better yet, a new Zelda trailer! ( commented on elsewhere )

E3 2004: New Zelda, Advent Children, DS, Donkey Konga, Star Fox Assult, RE4 etc.

:D - Thats me, after one hell of a E3 (especially for Nintendo) I was wetting myself in anticipation for everything in the above and more. The press conference was good, when the DS was unveiled, I smiled a big smile, when they talked about the backwards compatibility, wi-fi compatibility, dual screens, touch screen and eveything else, i smiled an even biger smile, it was a day for a big N fan to remember. Reggie-Fils-Aime was hilrious after taking a little cheeky insult to he PSP, I knew he was a breath of fresh air for the industry. When IGN, Gamespot, Gamespy, Gamenation, CUBE, PSM, PSX, PC GAMER and the billions of other gaming sites and mags previewed games and told me about them all and then continued to rant and rave about them , I knew that the Industry was definataly on fire and would be for atleast the next year or so. Things are getting alot better now. But there was one unveiling at E3 that I will never forget.

The Legend of Zelda. Without a doubt the highlight of E3, and the best thing that happened to Nintendo since The Ocarina of Time. This will kick the behind out of Advent Children, DS, Donkey Konga, Star Fox Assult, RE4, KOTOR2 and the very best out of anything anyone has to offer. Watch out Microsoft and Sont, Nintendo is back with a vengance!!!!!!!!!!!!