:D - Thats me, after one hell of a E3 (especially for Nintendo) I was wetting myself in anticipation for everything in the above and more. The press conference was good, when the DS was unveiled, I smiled a big smile, when they talked about the backwards compatibility, wi-fi compatibility, dual screens, touch screen and eveything else, i smiled an even biger smile, it was a day for a big N fan to remember. Reggie-Fils-Aime was hilrious after taking a little cheeky insult to he PSP, I knew he was a breath of fresh air for the industry. When IGN, Gamespot, Gamespy, Gamenation, CUBE, PSM, PSX, PC GAMER and the billions of other gaming sites and mags previewed games and told me about them all and then continued to rant and rave about them , I knew that the Industry was definataly on fire and would be for atleast the next year or so. Things are getting alot better now. But there was one unveiling at E3 that I will never forget.
The Legend of Zelda. Without a doubt the highlight of E3, and the best thing that happened to Nintendo since The Ocarina of Time. This will kick the behind out of Advent Children, DS, Donkey Konga, Star Fox Assult, RE4, KOTOR2 and the very best out of anything anyone has to offer. Watch out Microsoft and Sont, Nintendo is back with a vengance!!!!!!!!!!!!