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Does it or will it Ever exist on PSP

Ok I will start by setting the Story Straight(Just in case It was crooked) I Do not YET Own a PSP, So I have neveractually Played any First person shooter on the PSP. That Said I have Played many in the past on other systems, PS2, Ps1, X box, N64,and of course the PC.

For mepersonally what makes a good FPS is the crazy stuff. Doom &Quake, Duke Nukem. the Aliens, the Demons, and the great (Insert Unrealistic) Guns. I remember Rise of the Triad but it got boring, I alwayspreferred "Turok" 4 player over "007" 4 player. The BFG 9000 was so much better then a rocket Launcher. and When we got our hands on Valve's Half life that was perhaps the best...Perhaps. Unreal tournament had Anti gravity, and amazing Skins which was Wicked. I'm wandering my point is this, for me First person Shooters are at there best when the unrealism is at it's best. Prime Example HALO.

I have never really liked the all too realism of the games where you were in real combat situations holding a thirty odd six, an M-16 or an ak-47.I'm not saying there not Good games or not well made, I just Don't like the Glorification of War. It's why I prefered F.E.A.R over Hitman Blood money. both had great sound And Graphics but F.E.A.R had that weard spooky mix. Hitman had the Aspect of...Cold blooded ruthless realism.

I am getting a PSP in the near future and I want to Know can I find My Kind of FPS in the Game Library? I Know there is Socom, and Metal Gear Solid, I'll try the demo's for sure. but is there a game That could be likened to an Unreal or a Halflife for this Magnificent Handheld? Can I find a Quake on the PSP!

Also Is any game controll mapped with the Triangle, Circle, Cross, Square as the Up down left right controll with the Analog"Nub" as the look. Right and left shoulder buttons as Fire and Jump. and the Directional Buttons as Inventory, Alternative fire, lock on or zoom etc. I Was trying to figure out how to transport the ASDW & Mouse to the PSP and that was my Theory. Has any Game used that or am I just being Foolish.

Tell me your thoughts on First person Shooters on the PSP I want to know, The FPS I'm Looking forDoes it or Will it everexist on PSP?