is it just me or are the most recentPSP Demos losing something.
Let's compare the two most recent demos with some older Demos
May Contain Demo Spoilers
Warhammer Squad CommanderWas a good tutorial of the controls visuals etc but not a good demo..In my Opinion. and here's Why. It was too Short, The Chaos troops were Weak and there were No End Boss Demonsor Chaos Tanks or the Like. Chaos Terminators being the Hardest thing to fight and those not Very. No Intro or Extro Or Cut Scene Videos. Also Squad Customization is also very limited due to inability to select different unit types and very few weapon types to choose from. Creating a tease of a demo with very little replay value.
Compare that with the Old Socom Demo or Kill zone or syphon filter. They all had much more weapon custimazation. Some very Difficult tasks. and took a wile to complete. Socom and Syphon Filter had Cut scene videos, and some actual voice acted instructions. I died multiple times playing all these Demo's. I Did more damage to my Own troops due to Exploding the Enviroment thenthe AIdid to me in the Warhammer Demo.
Now Let's look at the Worms Demo, This is a game type I have loved since Scorched Earth Days and Iused to play Worms all the time on my friends computer in Highschool. Hot seat Multiplayer is a great to often Forgoten Multiplayer format.
The Worms Demo Contained one Bad level. Clearly Designed for theDS up and down format not the PSP Widescreen. A limited number of weapons and Worms that were Stuck and Unable to move, Because they left out theNinja Rope. The real game Promises mini games and none of that wasseen Here. And once again no Cut Scenes. Worms Videos were great and always Vary Humourous. That was Lost here. Once again very little Demo replay Value.
Now Compare that to the Demo Of LOCO ROCO. Lots Of secret Hidden areas, with lots of things you need to try hard to get but can be aceaved with Patiance. a good long level in both the Haloween English demo and the Japanese demo. Highly Entertaining, Very Funny. and ton's of replay Value. That Demo Sold me On the Game.
The worms Demo Made me question if I wanted to purchase the game because the DEMO was so bad.
this is not What I have come to expect from Game Demo's I used to read PC Gamer all the time and Play the Demos off those Discs. That is the wrong direction for demo's to be going.
I really Hpe the God Of war Downloadable Demo changes this Opinion. I know "If it's free it's worth what you Payed for it" but I expect more. does anyone else Agree with me on this? or are my expectations to High