@RSM-HQ: After being pawned by others in Fortnite for the past week. I am probably looking to play Syndicate pretty soon, it was on sale for under a few doller in the origin sale so I picked that up.
spadeslie's forum posts
@RSM-HQ: The latest Syndicate is good game as far as I know. Have you played that and recommend it?
No no. Its nothing to do with the ending, I'm not that bad a gamer!!
What I meant it to mean, was that I am finishing a crash site, and there is "one alien" left to kill before I complete that mission and can go back to base. I cannot 100% confirm this is a bug as I am not a developer. But I did save the game before this bug happened, because I had shot down 6 floaters in one turn.Â
What I did (because I posted in this thread whilst I was stuck on this bug) I got all my soldiers to the extraction point after giving up on this alien that did not exsist. Then saved. Then I reloaded my save game just after I killed six floaters. Needless to say the floaters were still there, but dead, but still flying in the air, but not actually attacking and I couldnt aim or shoot them.Â
What I think happened is that the mission "bugged out" when I launched my rockets at the floaters. Causing the engine to believe there was a floater still alive when in fact they were all dead.
Strange Eh!? Trust me , I tried everything to find this "final" alien (again its not the boss)
It annoyed me, I reloaded the 2nd save and extracted my boys (and two girls) they did not complete the mission and did not gain XP. But at least I could continue the game!
I am looking for a "final" alien which is driving me insane. I'm on a relatively small UFO crash site, I've killed the 'Outsider' and have been wondering around the crash site for about the past 40 minutes, I used both my snipers scanning grenades in the mission and this is just annoying me as I have soldiers positioned all over at broad angles of coverage, and the "shhh I here something" radar just keeps switching back and forth and I've covered both those areas with soldiers. I am pretty sure its not a floater, godamn godamn godamn!!! I'm pretty sure there is no alien, and its a bug tbh!Â
Wow you guys really don't get the idea of my thread, lol. I know most of you say without two analogue sticks its hard. I understand that. Just save your time and don't post to tell me that. I wasn't asking for what I should get but what would you like to see released. Then some guy mentions RPGs yet this doesn't recount my original post at all.
Okay lets include Third person shooter genre. I didn't realise people would be so critical as to say there was a difference. :lol:
I would like to see a new game that plays as well as Resistance Retribution. What bothers me about RR is that there are no new maps. So I've been playing it for over six months and wouldn't mind buying a brand new release FPS/TPS. What I like about Resistance Retribution is the infrastructure. Yet the story was strong enough too. A strong story and a strong infrastructure is all I ask for in a new release. Plus lots of guns!
A science fiction game is fine for me. The single player could be an alien protagonist fighting for the survival of his race, each of the mission based levels are set on a different planets surface with their individual conditions and scenery. The multiplayer infrastructure could wield choice of a couple of races to fight on the maps of the planets. Well I would buy it if it came out polished. But that is just an example.
But, if you could have a new TPS/FPS slapped in your lap which hasn't even been released what would you wish for?
Or if you were Sonys top boss what TPS/FPS would you make?
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