In my most recent dream I was walking round a diy store when purple liquid began spraying from a mans trousers, everyone backed away and I went to the next aisle where I saw a dead body lying in a pool of purple liquid. When I looked up columns of purple smoke were rising from the tops of peoples heads so I checked the top of my head with my hands and they were covered with purple dust. That was it I dont remember anything else
sparks8074's forum posts
Weird Science
Cannon Ball Run
And some animated film about a nuclear holocaust which I cant remember the name of and many more
Answer.......Cry like a baby
WOW What a morbid imagination you have. What on earth do you think about when your lying in bed in the dark or do you just wait there stroking your gun hoping a burglar will climb through the window so you can blow him away
Right here are my personal favorite gangster films
As far as Im concerned they are all excellent and there are many more great gangster films both american and english but the suggestion that just because the american film industry is larger than almost any other, it is the only one capable of turning out great movies or that the only way other countries can make great films is by mimicing hollywood is plain daft. If anything the uk film market for instance is able to be more innovative because its not part of the us film industry. Well thats my opinion anyway and as for best film The Long Good Friday just cause Im english
Well I for one cannot stand the sight of cats but I would like to offer any of you cat lovers an invitation to come and do a spot of gardening on a hot summers afternoon round at my place, after just one week the smell can be unbeleivable as all of the neigbours cats think my garden is a toilet, flowerbeds, the lawn, everywhere! I wonder how many times you would have to inadvertantly plunge your fingers into sticky, stinky cat poop before you began to question your misplaced love for these disgusting little critters. Oh and all the old wives tales and sonic devices do not work, I should know, I've tried most of them but worst of all are the cat lovers who say "what you want to do is get your own cat and then the cats will stop pooing in your garden". What?? Was that a joke? I hate the things, why on earth would I want to get one, anyway it would just join in with the others. Oh but the suggestions get even more ridiculous, heres the best one "what you need to do is get some lion poo from the zoo and spread on your garden, then the cats will steer clear of it". WTF?????? Hang on are you suggesting I actually spread cat poo on the garden myself, why, why, why would I do such a thing. Even if these things did work it would be pointless doing them. So there you have it, when I look at a cat, I see a scratching, crapping, spraying vile little monster. Most of you no doubt look at a cat and see a cutesy cuddley little picture of innocence. YOU ARE VERY VERY WRONG GET A TEDDYBEAR INSTEAD. Lets all pull together and rid the world of these awful creatures and er the earwigs, I dont like earwigs at all either
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