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spartan_1078 Blog

X Box vs Playstation: Why the hate?

Why is it that Xbox fanboys and PS3 fanboys have to constantly bash eachother's console of choice. You don't see Nintendo fanboys bashing either (although that would be foolish, as even the most hardy of Nintendo fanboy will admit that the greatest drawback to the Wii is a lack of quality games.) I just don't see why there has to be so much hatred for having different opinions on what is enjoyable. I think that both, the PS3 and the 360 are really fun to play, have beautiful graphics (at times) and are becomming increasingly similar. Perhaps that's why there is fighting in the first place. You know, when you think about it, I think that's a large reason for wars. Similar ideologies, trying to convince the other that one is better than the other. God forbid we learn to coexist. In my eyes the console war is best demonstrated by the position of my consoles: my ps2 lying next to my xbox 360 and ps3; all at the same level, all enjoyed, and life is good.