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Dante's Inferno

Test Drive Unlimited

Need for Speed Most Wanted

Disney G-Force

The 3rd Birthday

Iron Man 2

The 3rd Birthday
In a nutshell i would like to say that the Gamespot reviewer is a serious **** to give this game just a 6
An amazing game in terms of graphics, ambiance and depth in gameplay, amazing 3rd person shooting, chopper fights , tank battles and sensational cinamatic style cutscenes and storyline makes this game one of the best gam... Read Full Review
3 of 5 users found the following review helpful
Dante's Inferno n a really cool hellish feeling....
the game is one of the best games i ve played on the psp in a long time. The game is one of the best games in terms of graphics (also meeting a good FPS rate) n the story line is awsome....the best part about the game is... Read Full Review
3 of 5 users found the following review helpful
Test Drive Unlimited
Awsome n gives u an actual feel of driving on the island of Oahu
superb game in the likes of a PSP... a graphical specimen and amazing variety of cars in the palm of ur hands. I even own a PC version of TDU and played it a lot. The PC version was damn enjoyable and the feel of driving... Read Full Review
1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
Need for Speed Most Wanted 5-1-0
The games feels nowhere close to what the console versions has to offer. Many of the gamplay modes r missing.
Its surprising that the PSP version of NFSMW is nowhere close in terms of its offering to the fans. In terms of its justification to the potential of the hardwhere of Psp, the only good thing which EA has done is that th... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
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