Well, it's been quite some time since my last journal update, so I've been struggling to think of interesting things to talk about...
I just got done watching The Machinist, and I'm still kinda confused by it. It didn't end the way I had thought it would, which is a good thing...but it left me confused. For those of you that don't know anything about the movie, there's not much I can even say about it. Christian Bale plays a totally emaciated machinist (hence the title) that is going thru some weird stuff. That's about it. It plays out like a 90 minute long Twilight Zone episode.
My only major gripe about the movie is the music. It was weird 50's sci-fi music (again, very Twilight Zonish). It was fine at first, but there's just way too much of it...So much it was laughable.
It's also very hard to look at Bale. He weighs about 120 pounds and is basically a skeleton...*shudder*
Anyways, long story short, if you like totally f***ed movies I would recommend it, but be warned that it is damn suspensful and kind of hard to watch at times. I give it a 7.5/10 overall, but it would be more if I understood the ending.
PS - if you can help me understand the movie, PM me.
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