Never say never, says the famous adage.
Should have known better xD. I was one of those rabid WoW fans, eager to get the best items, the best tier sets and to knock off every single boss. But i got burnt. Sometimes (many times) WoW's pace becomes too frantic. Oddly enough, it becomes frantic when it's the most repetitive and standard MMORPG so far. I had my eyes closed for around a year and a half until I found many of the free and paid MMORPGs floating around the net.
Take for instance Maplestory. Very widespread now, is a cutesy little MMORPG that works on a 2D scroller level. Is great fun, and it's coloful graphics are cheerful enough to give you a smile.
But the one i fell in love with was EvE Online. This game was the one that made me forget completely about WoW and every other MMORPG out there. While it might have the steepest learning curve of practically any game, it's one of the most satisfying experiences I've had with a game. The magnitude of the game universe, the scale of it, the astounding graphics, the freakishly good music and the deep, DEEP gameplay make it one of the most valuable additions in my game library.
EvE has me hooked. If anyone is reading this, try EvE. It'll get you hooked too.