Let me start off by saying, FABLE ANNIVERSARY!! Finally, all of my loser friends who only played 2&3 will finally understand why I love Fable 1 so much, because apparently I was only one out of a few who actually played it. Anyhow. I wanted to know what everyone's opinions were about the last two fable games. But before we read others opinions, let me give mine really quick :) Bear with me please. Fable I was great, one of the best games I've played ever! When Fable II was revealed I was more excited than anyone I knew. I remember getting it after school one day. I believe it was in November, and it was storming out. Perfect indoor weather. I ran to the office where we had my Xbox set up and stuffed it into the console. After an hour of playing, I couldn't tell if I liked the game or not. As the game slowly progressed, my expectations for the game dwindled to nothing. I was expecting massive twists in the story, more emotional involvement. Yet, when my dog died, I could have cared less. After beating the game, I concluded it as garbage. A waste of money, but in my love for Fable, I forced myself to continue playing it, in hopes that I would change my mind. I did, for a short time. I played the game 5 times. On my 2-4 time playing I enjoyed it much more, but then I realized that I wasn't fully satisfied with it. I could have written a better plot for that game- sure, it had an alright idea, but I could have made it 10x better than it actually was. The plot was to get Revenge on Lucien because he killed your sister... Who played very little of a role. That is the worst attempt at trying to get the player motivated for something as serious as revenge. And the Spire granted you a wish? Why wasn't it a giant monolith portal to unleash an old kingdom army into drowning the land in evil? See? If I was in charge of writing this, it would have turned out MUCH better. When you get to Oakvale, I was expecting that after doing the stupid religious tree quest with Hammer, you would find that her father's killer was actually your sister, back from the dead and as Lucien's lackey. Nope, just some stupid minion. The Spire was a good idea but left you with petty choices. Feed the prisoner and lose your personal experience, or ignore him and let him starve. Wow, great decisions. You would also think that something Old Kingdom related would house a new type of monster or something. Something to overcome, but nope. Just a commandant. Also, our hero has no parents.. Where did they go? Why aren't they even mentioned? Why did no one think of adding them in somewhere in the story for a richer plot? I was totally unsatisfied with this game. I did 100% it, but that doesn't mean I enjoyed it. Now, onto Fable III, the one where people either love or hate. I liked Fable III for my first play through. I wasn't really fond of the story, and I eventually concluded that it was just a giant middle finger from Peter Molyneux. It added on a small story to the insignificant Fable II game. Let me say that when I think of Fable, I think of Wizards and Knights, monster slaying, and dying. Fable II-III were like steampunk/ Monte Python mixed together. I like that, but I don't think that it suits Fable. I believe that while Fable II was in development, Peter decided that he'd change the game entirely because he got some inspiration from something else which led him astray. Let's kill off the Heroes Guild! Let's dumb it down to 3 other heroes all with one skill, while you are the special hybrid! Let's make the script and plot comical, rather than somewhat serious. Back on topic- Fable III is a revolution, yet, you aren't changing anything about the monarchy that rules Albion.. Except changing the king. Also, out of nowhere, random plot twist that makes NO SENSE, and has never EVER been mentioned in ANY of the previous games. The Darkness. WHAT?!! What about Jack of Blades? Or even Theresa? She seemed obsessed with the Spire, so shouldn't she at least be an Evil character? I don't understand where the Fable series is going. Fable 4 is going to be... Strange. to say the least. THOUGHTS?!
So, I'm playing some Ricochet on the new playlist in Halo 4 with my buddy, who is one of the biggest achievement who**es I know. Feeling competitive, I challenged him to getting an achievement first. It's the one where you assassinate the ball carrier within 5 meters of your own goal. Within 3 minutes of the game, I chased the carrier down within an inch of the goal, and assassinated him. No achievement. So I gave it another try. Twice in the same game I did this, and in return for my efforts-NOTHING. Do I have to do this on the Pitfall map? Who else is having glitched achievements on the Halo games, because this isn't the first time this has happened to me.
Assassins Creed. At least up until Brotherhood, I didn't like the last few. I played Splinter Cell for a second forever ago at a friends house. I'd probably go with SC if I played it more, because AC is starting to get really boring.
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