They really did not change anything, example Online Pass ten dollars day one is changed with ten dollar DLC day one which can be applied to non-mp games.
@Gamer_4_Fun I do agree for the most part but they have already given us some amazing games, Mostly the entire Half-Life Franchise has just been fantastic. They continue to deliver great content for there games and offer great deals on existing ones.
@necroblaze What are you talking about? Advertisements go to pay Microsoft money, Xbox LIVE users pay money for online, essentially we are paying to see commercial ads. They are not small they take up a lot of space, When xbox 360 first came out it was easy to find the game you wanted to play and load it, now there is a bunch of crowded icons. Also Xbox 360 does not fully stream games to your console to play, even if it did the largest xbox hard drive size is about 250 gig. On top of that, you state you want to see games? That’s what internet game sites are for which have more information on the specific game rather than a trailer etc.
I know there nice but lets get real... If the gameplay and story are terrible then the game will be not worth playing regardless of graphics (applys to any game)
What we really need is more PC games and less consoles xD
@AndreJr7 Bethesda has always... well usually has top notch expansion packs that make it worth twenty dollars, A certain game that comes out every year charges 15 dollars for a few maps...
@full_disclosure you can be one or the other, If you are already a werewolf you can change to vampire lord and if thats not for you, you can change back to werewolf, I read this some where recently so take it as a grain of salt.
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