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spickysports Blog

Banner Completed

I decided that I need to make a banner to fill up the empty space. I have photoshop and what not but not sure what settings I should use to make sure my banner doesnt go over the size limit(i.e. resolution,color mode,# of bits,background contents) for those who use photoshop im assuming you know what im talking about. Also, I'm pretty new to photoshop so if I could get some tips or links to good tutorial sites or anything that could help it would be very appreciated.:|

Edit: Finished my banner...any tips on how I could improve it? Keep in mind, its the first thing i've ever done on photoshop so be very detailed on instructions.

Worst week i've had in a while

So to kick off the week.....I'm on my way to gas station to fill up my tires cause they are low on air. I end up getting pulled over and the cop tells me its because my tires are low on air. Was not to psyched about that cause first of all i have expired tabs and secondly i have no insurance(where I live its mandatory to have insurance or its a $500 fine or sumtin like that). I somehow manage to get off with nothing but a warning which surprised me. After I get to school ihave a horrible day of straight lecturing. I'm on my way home and pass by two car accidents with cops scattered everywhere around them. I was pretty sureat least one cop would see me, but none did. Still the stress started to pile up. Then i realized another one of my tires was low. Went to the gas station again and filled it up. Went to turn on my wouldn't start. Took me about 20 minutes to finally get it going. now tuesday, on my way to school i realize i forgot to do some stuff for English class(already have a D in there). Pass by a few more cops, almost have an anxiety attack as i pass by each of them. Once I got home watched a little tv and realized i had a paper due the next day. Pulled an almost all-nighter to finish it. Wednesday rolls around and everything seems to be all good. Classes are fine and then i get in my car to go home and get some food(hadn't eaten in like 20 hours). My car won't start again except this time it didnt start at all. Sat there for about 30 minutes trying until i gave up called my mom to come get me. As soon as i told her i couldnt get it started she starts pretty much yelling at me saying its my fault and that i should have had my brother look at the car the day before when i couldn't get it started for that 15-20 minutes. She continues ranting about how no one ever does anything and she always has to do everything for us even though lately she hasn't really done anything. She is focused with her stuff right now and I currently live with my brother living off of his income. So...I'm pretty sure i have something awesome in store for me tomorrow and/or friday. Maybe the release of GH3 will cheer me up, but for now. BAH!

First blog

Well, this is my first blog.......yah. Sitting here watching my friend play Bioshock. He's pretty much at the end. For those who have played it he is just finishing assembling his Big Daddy suit. Although, I should be home writing a paper for 101 and doing math for precalc. Whatever. Guitar Hero madness tonight at a friends house with loads of ping pong ahead too. Woot. Peace out