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Madness Combat FWI

This blog is for all people who do not know what Madness Combat is. This will be a long blog so make sure you read it all.


Hank J. Wimbleton

Hank J. Wimbleton (also known as The Protagonist) is the main protagonist of the Madness Combat series.

Hank has played a capital role in every Madness Combat episode, with the exception of Madness Combat 8: Inundation, in which his corpse only appeared as a cameo in the foreground, and Madness Combat 6.5, where he did not appear at all. In Madness Combat 5.5, he only appeared motionlessly, for no more than a quarter of a second. In the animations Hank has died 6 times, and has been revived again, by an unknown medium known as the Higher Powers. Overall, Hank has killed 555 people in the series, which is more than all the other main characters have done combined, and amounts to around 61% of the series' total kills.

Tricky the Clown


Tricky (also known as The Clown) started out as an assassin hired by the sheriff and is the primary antagonist of the Tricky saga. Up until the end of Madness Combat 7: Consternation, Tricky used the power of the Improbability Drive in order to revive repeatedly, jump at extremely high speeds and gain superhuman hand-to-hand fighting skills which allowed him to render the mightiest of enemies helpless. He has been killed multiple times, has been resurrected as a zombie once and possesses the ability to warp the fabric of reality. Overall, Tricky has killed 6 different characters in the series.

Jesus H. Christ

Jesus Christ (also known as Jebus or The Savior) is one of the main antagonists in episodes 1-5, but has not played that role recently. In Madness Combat 6: Antipathy he didn't play an important role, but was raking leaves next to a railway. He also appeared at the end of Madness Combat 7: Consternation, and was the protagonist in Madness Combat 8: Inundation. Jesus also fights the main character in Madness Interactive flying through the air while firing a sub-machine gun. Krinkels has said Jesus went "the way of the Sheriff", meaning he won't return, but his corpse appears in Madness Combat 9: Aggregation. Krinkels has not said anything else about whether or not Jesus would appear later in the series, so it is possible that he has or will change his mind. He is the only character to appear in all episodes (except for episode 10) . He is also the only character to be both a protagonist and an antagonist at some point in the series. He has become somewhat of an anti-hero, as he is against both Hank and the AAHW. Overall, Jesus has killed 88 people in the series, which amounts to around 10% of the series' total kills.

The Auditor

The Auditor is the latest antagonist in the Madness series and known to be a very powerful entity, possibly immune to physical attacks. He does not have Tricky's objectives, as it is known that he wants Hank dead, where as the Auditor wants something to perform for him, which is why he is known as the Auditor. It is likely that he is one of the Higher Powers mentioned by Krinkels. It is thought The Auditor's purpose is to guard the improbability drive. Overall, the Auditor has killed 3 People in the series (excluding Jesus Christ who was in fact killed indirectly) Counting the Absorbed Agents, but he may have also killed the few 1337 revolters. Before the release of Madness Combat 8: Inundation , many people thought he was the Sheriff, and he was known as the "Mystery Man".


Sanford is a character who, alongside Deimos, makes his debut in Madness Combat 5 when he delivers a katana to Hank. He later appears in Madness Combat 5.5 as one of the protagonists, and again in Madness Combat 6.5 and Madness Combat 9: Aggregation. Overall, Sanford has killed 159 people in the series, which amounts to around 13% of the series' total kills.

In Madness Combat 9: Aggregation he appears to have extremely effective fighting skills through the use of his hook; he can attack enemies where he cannot see them, and he can pull enemies in his direction to use their bodies as shields or even weapons (as seen in an early scene of Madness Combat 9, where he throws a 1337 Agent's body back in the truck taking out the others).

Sanford especially seems fearless as to have at the Auditor and fight against the two enhanced A.T.P. Agents. He also seems to be highly resistant to pain, as he was able to easily continue fighting after having a knife stabbed deeply between his ribs, after which he made no attempt to heal the wound. After removal of the knife he even vengefully executes the A.T.P. Agent. The only time he has fallen back is when one of the enhanced A.T.P. Agents shoots him in the stomach.


Deimos (occasionally misspelt by Matt Jolly as "Diemos") is a character who first appears alongside Sanford in Madness Depredation. He seems to prefer firearms over melee weapons. He has a bandaged head (in Madness Combat 5.5, 6.5, & 9), and wears a headset and visor and has been seen wearing a coat with a white tanktop underneath. His first chronological appearance in the series is in Madness Combat 5: Depredation, and he appears again in Madness Combat 5.5 as one of the protagonists, and makes his last appearance alive so far in Madness Combat 9: Aggregation. Overall, Deimos has killed 125 people in the series, which amounts to around 15% of the series' total kills. His partner is Sanford.

Deimos carries Hank's body for most of Aggregation, and is also the one who resurrects him. It is hinted that he, Hank and Sanford are part of some anti-AAHW or anti-Auditor rebel organization, for he is seen talking through his headset to an as-yet-unidentified person. The fact that they belong to their own organization would explain why they didn't properly assist Hank in fighting Tricky in Madness 5, as they might have been going for another objective. As we see in Madness 5.5 they have other business to deal with than helping Hank, though no proper goal seems to appear in either this episode or its sequel, Madness 6.5. Though, it could also be because the two were frightened of Tricky, and they wanted to escape so they could re-arm themselves and plan out their next objective.

Deimos has always been the driver: he drove the car in Madness Combat 5, as well as the truck in Madness Combat 9 and flew a helicopter at the end of Madness 6.5, although he did not drive the car he and Sanford were in at the beginning of Madness Combat 9.

This post was and is very long. Glad you read it, and hope you like it!

( I got this stuff from is so I don't seem like it's copyright infrigement )


Ugh! still nothing to do, even on my computer! It's been a while so I got a few things to say...

1. I went to Florida

2. I got attacked by a crab

3. Those blasted fish attacked me

4. The firework show there on the 4th of july was BEAUTIFUL!

Wish you all could've seen it.


my birthday!!

news straight from ky! today is my birthday and im gonna dance now!

dodo dododdo dodo do DO DO DOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!

yes anyone outthere its my birthday another year old and guess wat, im goin to go see:


ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzz


oh my grawsh, TOMORROW IS ME B-DAY!!! superfastsonic, hurry wit the birthday kirby!


JOKER HAD A SON? this is retarded joker, son dont mix, who mom?

well anyways soccer enddend but for some reason i feel better right now that i dont but still joker had a SON?

sigh..... why me?

well alot of stuff has happened this week so far, so ill name them

a kid called me a mexican

i started running alot more

i got grounded from my ps2 and computer for A DAY!


THE HaLloWeEn DaNcE!

yeah! A DANCE!!! FINALLY!!!:lol: im not going with somebody though :cry:. but itll be a blast!

a shout out to peoples!!!!! yeah a nice day but its been boring.

yeah and im frickin exicted!!!!

so go on tell me.


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