Going to save up for a PS3. Working overtime this week and some next week. Hopefully I can get the $400 and not be an idiot about it. It is very hard for me to save up large sums of money a little at a time.
Anyways what is also cool is that my brother already has one and three of the best games for the system. I get to play em and not have to pay a cent!
Life is going alright the last few days and since my wife has been home from work the last few days I have been seeing her more which is always nice.
Oh and I read Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card. I thought i was pretty good and I really liked the ending. Definately going to pick up the next book int the series and from the looks of it i think I will like it even more.
If you have any book recommendations feel free to leave me a message and I will get back to you as soon as I beep...............