Cheap Games
cheap classics or ripp off's
I went to my local video store today and was lookin al the ex rental and trade in games and thinking in the way the world is now is it worth buyin a game brand new from a shop or wait 3 - 6 months for it to come to £20 or less i do still buy new games off the bat i got gta sd on day one and metal gear solid snake eater on day 2 but now ive seen them about £20 insted of the £40 Price tag i payed before and I know most of you think its a ripp off for scratched disks but most are in really good condition its for you to decide but i feel if you want to play a game but dont want to pay top price rent it if you like it buy it if you hear good reviews about a game but not sure wait a bit you neva know next time you look it might be half price or less. We all rember have made some really bad decitions when buyin games myself included brought Area 51 for the x box which i can honestly say was bad i liked the story idea but game play was like every other FPS so i traded it in for Ninja Gaiden (good movie i think)
but i would have payed £10 for Area 51 because it would be somthing else to play and enjoy Tell me what you think
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