I was over at my neighbor's house the other day, who has an xbox360. I go over there right now, of course, to play the Halo 3 beta. It's really fun, but I left his house with a bad taste in my mouth. Not because of the Halo 3 beta, but because my neighbor, while we were playing Halo 3, said PC gaming is dying. This is not the first time I've heard this so after hearing it from him, i was upset. 'Is it true?' I thought to myself. 'Is PC gaming really dying?'.
It was soon after that, that I thought of all of the things that so recently made PC gaming the best way to game in existence. Things such as Dx10. Things such as Nvidia's 8 series of cards, one of which(the GTX) has twice as much power as the PS3. Games such as Crysis, Supreme Commander, S.T.A.L.K.E.R., and Bioshock...all of which you need a PC to play. Bioshock is a console game as well, but come on, lets be real. That game has killer graphics and no one wants to see them downgraded on the xbox360 or experience chugging framrates instead. It was at this point that I realized that every time I heard a doomsayer on the subject of the endtimes for PC games as we know it, it was just the voice of a jealous console fanboy justifying why he bought a console. PC gaming is far from over. In my opinion, it's just begun. Graphics that can, in some cases, trick the eye to see no contrast between the real and the not real only exist in PC gaming. How can a hardcore gamer that loves realistic graphics say that consoles are better?!? My neighbor is that someone and he did say it. I punched him in the face later that night. Just kidding, but I felt like it. How someone can say that and mean it is completely beyond me.
PC gaming is still the leader in FPS's, RTS's and MMO's. There's no question about it. On top of that, it is the leader in graphics, processing and phsysics power. Far from dead, PC gaming lives on and continues to crush consoles, console games and console fanboys alike. 3 cheers for PC's!!!