So this is made for people who just overlook board games now because it just doesn't seem fun... SHAME ON YOU!
Descent: Journey in the Darkness
This game is probably mostly compared to a quick and easy version of D&D if you want to get really basic, however it is quite fun. Basically you have the Dungeon Master who of course like DD kind of leads you along your story, which can be different each time you play. You have tiles that make up the board and monsters that lurk in the darkness. Goal of the game? Get whatever the hell you are getting in the dungeon before some insanely powerful monster makes you into its next lunch. As the DM your role it to make every one elses life a living hell. Spawn monsters, then spawn more monsters, play trap cards, and spawn more monsters to make it seem like the odds are near impossible. Pretty fun game for those looking into a dungeon crawler boardgame with friends :p
This is probably one of the more complicated games in my recent history of games, it is basically an adult version of clue where you are trying to convict your suspect while at the same time make another suspect innocent. Everyone gets their own suspect as you try to unravel to mysteries of the murder and screwing over the other detectives that feel it is their suspects that are guilty/innocent. A lot of rules but one you understand it it is one of my favorite games out there, just have to have other people that understand which is a downside.
Last Night on Earth
Okay switching it up now, this is a really easy game to understand and can be played within an hour or two. It is zombies versus humans, sounds great already huh? 1-2 players play as the zombies while 2-4 players play as the humans. You pretty much have to run around killing zombies and getting things done before you leave the town. Whether it is running around looking for gas tanks to fill up the broken down truck or saving the important town folks, the game can be a lot of fun and because of its short game times and accessibility this game is a must in my collection.
Arkham Horror
Based off of Lovecraft's stories, this game puts you and 8 friends up against probably the worst odds you could ever have in a game. You play against the board in what could be countless hours of teamwork. Why do I love it so much? Because of how ridiculous this game can get. You could literly be screwed from the first card you draw and still manage against all odds to beat the game. Or the game could be over in a matter of turns if you keeps getting the wrong cards. My win ratio is probably looking around 6 wins and about 18 loses, however everyone has enjoyed this game no matter the outcome.
The flavor text of the cards really make the game what is it, receiving card like "You walk into the grocery store and there is a surprising amount of fish, you will need to make a horror to check to see if you stay in the store" bring many laughs around the table as you read it out loud. Or perhaps you rolled a Astronomer as a character then you draw the card "You gaze into the sky and you witness there are two moons, loose two sanity" just don't make any sense but it doesn't need to because you are seriously laughing at your current situation. Anyway Arkham Horror is really hard to describe how fun it is unless you are actually playing the game, if you ever try any board game though make sure this is at the top of your list.
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