:P I dedicate this blog to my... Friends...:P (both from tvcom & future ones) I want to dedicate this special blog to the (hopefully) rising friendship on these sites. There are so many... Friends... here at gamespot/tv.com awwwww..... it is so fortunate and cute. :PCudley even. Yes, it's good to have someone that you can call a... Friend... :). Even if it is hiding behind most weird accounts and names. You still consider him a... Friend...:P Now that's true firendship. We should all be delighted that we can call these strangers that we don't even know much, our... Friend...:P
[size=10]But, however, what made me think even deeper into this whole.... Friend... bit, is the question about ''Best friends''...I'm sure there are ppl which you like more than other and vice versa... or am i wrong? Who is my best friend on these sites, you ask? Weeeeeeelllllll.... There are so many interesting accounts roaming around these sites...:P I mean, it's a whole new world of creativity out there... I met so much funny, funny pplz which give this orthodoxal life a unique smiley face..... yea.... and...my best pal.... errr.... there are like Rainvainz or Blueeyes... yup, Tobi had quite fun hanging with em in both naughty and un-naughty ways.... Rainy even poisoned me..... Blueeyes was supposed to be the main lead in my team..... but alas i was banned T_T......... and then there's good old Bari n Kenji. da epic hand-wrestlin macho-chachos bestest friends... neither rain nor snow could tear them apart....:P And then there's pikastatic..... well wuts to say..pika and his blogs are everyone's best friends:D Aaand then there's Rockgoddess... I used to hang at her blogs with Rainy.... Craaazy woman I tellz ya:).... ah the good old days...... oh and how could I forget the only guys actually stood on my side that one time, when it was clash of cultures at tvcom: Torferleon the random psycho, Soniccomics, and the venus hippy guy:/, tnx guys T_T.....Oh and Mesolarkonomy... she's the one who wrapped my very first blog with the Nagi virus and addicted me to this cryziness in the first place... but alas she's bannedT_T.... And Qewtwanderer... my fav vet who made the nickname for me ''Sprite7upguy''...And let's not forget Darkhero.... And let's not forget sasukeslayer... all so cute friendly personalities..... And Scatha...I mean a 6?-year old naruto fan....whoosh, never have i seen sumthin like that than on gamespot/tv.com... and the little newbies whome i helped spred their wurlds.... OH and let's definately not forget THE VETS.... guys i know we had our differences but, i can't help it.... Marvin:P T_T.......... and sooo many others which where either confused or amused by the Tobi-dude's Tobiness...........[/size]
Ahhhh..... but guys, don't be offended, if i had to choose my BEST friend here on these sites it would have to be........... my........banned.... s...... senpai....... Jinta-senpai. T_____T.... All of ya have a spot in Tobi's heart, but hack, i aint no kakuzu.... Jinta would therefore be my best.... Friend.... on these sites.....
So..... I'm interested.... who is YOUR 'best' friend around these sites?? Do YOU have a best friend?? What makes YOUR best firend carry the title ''BEST''... Put your thoughts in comments. Don't be afraid, we're all friends around here:P :P... Write down how you feel. Ahhhh, jealousy is in the air.... khm.... I mean love.. Love is in the air:P Tobi is such a gud boy :D *So I'm callin all bbfs from the entire site *TO COME AND RANT ABOUT THEIR CUTE WIW FWENDSHIP IN MY BLOG COMMENTS*:P ahhh... Friends.....