Tobiness lives on!
YES my dear co-users, In previous blogs i said it might, yet the tobiness did not, i repeat, it DID NOT fade away!!!!!:D:D *parties on earth*.Now I'm interested how many ppl actually thought it would fade away...huh?? anyone thought i'd actually growing up andchange??? Me??? Tobi dude?! Le immature philosopher? ze succesor of peter pan?
Well if ya did think i'd change actually you were partly right:? Yea... i AM growing up, and changing a bit.... and for a moment there i actually thought I'd loose tobiness for good, that there's no point...:o But then I realized something. I remembered my entire life:/... and then questioned my thoughts, emotions, spiritness and visage. And I realized something. I realized that there is sooooooooooooooooo much more to the enitre world (and me) than just plain black and white things. And the checkpoints are everywhere, god help us, but still the game goes on:o! I realized... tobines was just a too good state to loose.
So now I'll only alter it. adapt it. As I mature up. But I'll still be ya'll good ol tobi dude8). Instead of being consumed By it liek I was till now, I'm gonna consume It!:lol:. The new and improved Tobi is coming back!:D So peace to all and lolz to many! HAPPY VALANTINES PPLZ!!!!!:3:3:3 (it's still valantines at my place)*hugz all*
I havefound out what my problem is (shrink visit):
After 2 years I found out the origin (ofproblems i wrote in my previous couple o blogs). The shrink visit was awethum!!:D and it also helped me. It turns out:
#1 I'm just waaaay too concerned about ppl, the world etc. E.G. If a close person to me grows up into a materialistic cold flesh, or if ppl are being harrassed just cuz they're different in e.g. studying methods... i just can't let that go like that!:cry: I wanna live: not be a drone.:(
#2 Finally! Someone else confirmed me (the shrink) that it's not ALL my problem:o... main problem probobly being the fact, to quote the shrink: 'That my dad acts like he's in puberty more than me':)... that's a long, increeedibly complex story however.
I probobly wont write anynmore about it cuz i dont see a point:). Anyways i'm happy that finally i at least know what my problem is and not just be in some confusing state wandering. Now to solve it:|....
Motion sickness cured?
After abotu 15 years vomiting in car:|... I found a pill that actually helped me:o. It was such an odd feeling... (no it's not drugs >_>), but it was something totally else (in my stomach)... So the next time i was in a car, i tried to simulate the feeling of how i felt when i took that pill and it worked!!!!!:D From then i dont have motion sickness at all:o Just liek that I'm like kakashi in a way cuz I can simulate feelings quite good, and e.g. copy ppl's survival skills and stuff@___@... khm... yea:|also i wuz thinking of how @ ikhzo would act in situatns nd it clmd me dwn*cough*
So 2010. and me being 18 years has started going for the better for me:) (except january). Not only that but I've also finally started catching up in school too:o AND I'm returning to my ninjitsu trainings:D (i'll write a blog about more when i'll officially return). Once again, I wish for all fo ya to be good, adequate and... and... TOBI LUVS YA!!!!!!!!:lol: *hurts a fly* jk:P