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Gamespot needs a FastForward button. (+ my problem revieled)

Site enchantmants are often mentioned.:O By that I mean that people Either enthusiastically contributeand/or frustratingly complain about their ideas on how to improve sites. We have Site Enchantman forums for that, to share our ideas. Now...there are many ideas to share.

To get to the point quicker, I came up with an idea to improve these forums. Other ideas to improve these forums might be for example: to make eye candy stuff, improve background and similar, to make more people moderators, to put in the emblem/pictures organizing option, etc etc. But what would really make my day if someone would put a fast forward button in the options section;

When I was cruising through the forums earlier tonight (the day on which this blog was written), I realized that a FastForward (FF) button, would be just what gamespot needs. To get to the point quicker. I can't roam around here all day, and doublecheck things (for new comments or pms) cuz it'll make me obsessed and feel bad. So then i go away and suddenly a couple of pm-s i get when i get back, and then it's already too late to replyT_T. I can't wait here forever for new pm-s or stuff!T_T So I thoguht of the fastForard button it works like this:

I send a pm to someone. No reply for couple of mins. I click on the FF button to go forward in what should happen on GS only in an hour or two. So I go as forward in gamespot until i get that pm. Isn't it a jolly grand idea?!?:D huh:D. I'm a smart guy afterall 8), I know how stuff work behind the curtains so i can come up with such thought out ideas8). But wait...8) mods would never approve.. would they?:?uhhh...and even if they would, then what if someone else clicks on the FF button:o. Ok ok I know another complete failiure from tobi dude's blog:cry: might as well just stop blogging then since my ideas always turn out a floke.....dang...foiled again-___-.

Thank you Ikhzo for inspiring me for this blog!:x

In a vaguely related news. After 2 years I've finally discovered my problemI ranted about inthe last blog:o

[spoiler] I considered everything could be the reason for my bad feelings and confusion about what to do and what not to, from opsessive-compulsive disorders, to paranoid ones, to schizofrenic, to nerves disorders, to plain depression or puberty........ butnow i don't think it's either.A few days agoI randomly stumbled upon a star trek episode which was about paranoid behaviour:O. That sctrached the surface of me getting to a solution about my problem.Right after that epz,some film started abouta problematic family.Ironically... after 2 freaginyears of wondering what's wrong withme,justa few days before i needed to visit a shrink all things got into place (first me writingmy previousblog, then both the star trek episode and the followingfilm). I relized then that my problem is (or would be best described as): Perfectionism!:oI emphasized with ppltoo much, so much that i went overboard with it without thinkinkg of what i should (or shouldn't)actually do about it:o. The thought of people struggling yet still falling deeper got the best out of me and istarted getting obsessed with all the problems in the world but didn't realize that until just a few days ago. The little problems in life suddenly got biggerin my view and I kind of started subconsciously despizing everything in the world...:O...There's more to this, e.g. why i got this way etc. but now that i know the reason (finally!) i'll most liekly deal with it muchbetter. In my next blog i'lltell you if i'll change or not, or whatwill happen with this state of mine...Anyways, Tnx for all the coments inmy previuos blog ppl(:.Now I go back to studying cuz schoolis horriblely ermm..blah:x. byebye! [/spoiler]

Next blog: Return of RhymeTimeedition3000:o