xbox360 and ps3 are abit better than PC. not including FPS games, pc does good things for FPS. if we make a comparison for a third person game, consoles kick out pc's butt at least for while.
next generation systems are only ps3 and'll have to spend much money to get to a ps3's screen quality. and then, of course you have damn right to defend your many of pc owners got a decent system huh? we have to condiser every each circumstances to make a fair comparison..The Men do good things for consoles
exclusive games can never be the same on Pc. for instance GTA4, Assassin's Creed. and some of them would never be on pc. if a PC owner says that GTA4 is alot better than 360 version, i'll say to him; Go Rest Son! you need get some rest in your lovely bed..this comprasion isn't that agreeable...
ps3 is a powerful system. i guess something missing in it. it is not fair. on the paper there is no way 360 is better than ps3. but on the screen 360 goes well.. but the diffrences aren't that big. its not a matter of life and death..we still keep our heads with little details..actually it feels good.
splendormk7's comments