Hello, everyone who is here! Hope you are all doing fantastic!
I do miss the old days of GS. Ah, the memories.
I'll try to check in again a little more often than a year lol.
Hello, everyone who is here! Hope you are all doing fantastic!
I do miss the old days of GS. Ah, the memories.
I'll try to check in again a little more often than a year lol.
Don't know how many of the people who used to read my blog back in the day, are still here, but if anyone is interested in my book Crimson Conscience, I will be publishing it within the next couple of weeks.
Wish me luck!
I go to GS to check something, and what do I see? Horribly looking dumbed down new look... they changed it too much, and it seems unorganized to me. In short, I hate it lol. So I guess this is my last blog post. Probably last one there's ever going to be, so if you want to stay in touch, please add me on steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/KuroiNinja. I also have Desura, but I don't remember if that thing even supports friends haha. If you want to add me on FB the name to search for is: Jill Rowcester. Hmm, are there any other now? *ponder* Well, if you play GW2, then you know my username: Kuroi Ninja. KuroiNinja for PSN if you wanna add me there. Can't think of anything else I use, but send me a pm if there's anything you are wondering if I have :)
Edit: There's also Origin xD I'm BFKitten on there, so go ahead and add me if you want :)
I guess that's it then.
Thank you for everything, GS. If it wasn't for you, I would never have met my husband and all my wonderful friends.This is what kept me from never really leaving GS, but sadly it seems this is no longer the site it once was. I will probably check pm's every once in a while, but don't hold your breath. Best way to reach me is through steam.
splinter_girl88 signing off.
Just thought I'd share this with anyone who would want to try out Guild Wars 2. Free to play from August 23-25, 2013 :)
If you do try it and want to play with me, add Kuroi Ninja :)
Oh, and yes, I am still alive haha.
I am alive!! :) What? Nono, I'm not talking about the game...
Just thought I'd stop by to say "hey, everyone!", so uh, hey everyone! :P
Hope everyone is doing good :) I've been busy as always... too much school and stuff going on.
Been playing a lot of Guild Wars 2 and Battlefield 3 lately, when I've had the time. I got a new laptop which made BF3 so much more fun to play, because it doesn't lag anymore at all :D On my old laptop, it would start lagging after 10 min and I would have 5-10fps -.-
Anyway, probably will continue to not be on much. I have one exam left, which is on monday, then I'm leaving to the US for Christmas and New Year.
So yeah, just wanted to let you know I'm alive and well :P
See you around!
What the hell happened to my avatar? I sure hope its a glitch... I liked my gif avatar :(
Anyway, not much to say. Lol, in class at the moment, so yeah, can't really write too much :P
I better pay attention in class, so I'll be back later xD
You scared me there, good ol' GlitchSpot, but I should have known better when I got upset :)
I have now downloaded all of the videos I want to keep, so that even if they ever do get deleted, at least I have them on my computer now :D
Here I came to GS to say hi and check out the music I used in one of my videos, and then I see that all my freaking videos are gone... I had videos here that I no longer have copies of on my computers or hard disks... thanks, GS :evil:
Oh, and I leveled up. Yeah... that doesn't really make up for the videos... I don't know what Jaquio is anyway...
Anyway, I'm in a bit of a bad mood now because of this, and don't really feel like blogging, but just thought I'd say hi and let everyone know I'm doing ok.
I'll try to stop by more often, but I'm going to be really busy with school this semester, so I can't really promise anything :/ I'm sure most people have forgotten about me anyway :P
Hope everyone else is doing well!
E3 is over for this year, and they showed quite a few games I'm looking forward to, like Watch Dogs, RE6 and The Last of Us to name a few. One game I was not that happy about though, was Splinter Cell Blacklist :( Michael Ironside, the man who made Sam Fisher who he is, is no longer voicing Sam Fisher. I could have lived with the game being a lot like Conviction, but no Ironside is a huge downside for me, and I will not get the game at launch like I was planning on back when, not long after Conviction was released, I read the next SC was going to be released for PS3 :( But being a Splinter Cell fan, I will probably get it when it gets cheap... *sigh*
Other than that, I don't really have much to say. Oh yeah, I got some emblems for watching E3... wooooo.... what's the use? :| Emblems aren't as much fun as they used to be, thanks to the new look of GS and Fuse. Either way, it looks like I got them all according to the E3 2012 Esteemed Scholaremblem which says "Oh, is that a E3 2012 emblem you have there? Oh, that's cute. Which one is it? Oh yeah? How lovely. Oh, which ones do I have? Well, funny you should ask. ALL OF THEM. I have ALL OF THE EMBLEMS." I thought it was a little funny, and I wish they would put the emblems back on GS... not GS Fuse!, but GS, so I could show it off :P Oh well, doesn't matter.
So yeah, that's all for now I guess. Now I'm going back to playing Uncharted on my Vita. One more trophy left until platinum :D
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