Tomorrow is going to be a festival in my school dedicated to all the mothers, because this saturday is the Mothers Day.
So there's going to be a mass and I have to sing because I'm in the chorus of the school:P.
I'm a little worried because this week I had A LOT of bad luck and A LOT of bad things already happened to me, my "friend" (who I'm ever making jokes) is very angry because everyone in his classroom is saying: "Karina is your girlfriend", the insult is bigger for me:lol:, is stupid, because he's trying to lie himself and A LOT of people tell me: "Why do you like SpongeBob?, it's for little kids!!!" and I don't care what the people say, I continue loving the show:).
And my mom is not going to be there:cry:, nobody of my family is going to be there:cry:.
But, I'm going to dedicate all the songs to my grandmother, she died in february, but she was the perfect example of a mother and a grandmother and she was so healthy, but one day the Cancer attacked her:cry:, the last year she goes to the festival, but she was already very sick, but she knew that the festival was very important to me.
Now she's with God, in the heaven, she deserves a day in her honor, because she helped to a lot of people, she was an AWESOME person all the people who met her loves her!!!
So, Tita (that's the way we ever call her) where ever you are...I'm going to give you my heart with the songs and you know I never going to forget you!!!
I love you!!!