PLEASE DONT BE SARCASTIC! BUMPD_slimsi'm not being sarcastic. i'm being perfectly honest. YOU probably haven't even given my troubleshooting steps a try. lazy bastard.
spookymikal's forum posts
Either phone them so that they can send someone round with the correct water or do it yourself. Alternativly get a new Grandpa.freaky_monkeydude i would NEVER reccomend any aftermarket water sellers. They jack their prices up and really aren't providing that much of a new service. i've even heard reports of people re using their filtered water... you'd think you pay someone 50 bucks to come fix your xbox and they'd at least let you keep the water... something about special aquifiers and whatnot. It's a sad jacked up world we live in where someone would be so dishonest in such an othewise honest industry.
omg i friken took out all the pluggs i tink i will ffone micro soft!!!!!!!! arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sh*t whats wrong with it!! 1 red light!!! and 2 other darker red lightsD_slimsDUDE i JUST told you how to fix it. Why would you question ANYTHING you read on the internet. water + xbox = no more red lights.
edit: DO NOT USE TAP WATER! Be sure you at least filter the water first... and if at all possible boil it for around ten minutes and let it COMPLETELY cool doown. Or just go out and try to get some deionized water.
[QUOTE="brownthrilla"]bumpbrownthrillaif we didn't care the first time, what makes you think we would care the next TWO times? if you're scared of your product breaking, buy the extended warranty on it...
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